Scott Edmundson

Scott has dedicated over 12 years to the study of photosynthetic algal cultivation for waste remediation and bioproduct generation. Scott is the lead biologist in Dr. Huesemann’s Algal Research and Characterization Team and directs the strain-specific physiological characterization of candidate algae within the DISCOVR project. His current research focuses on understanding and quantifying the impact of environmental conditions (e.g., cold and heat stress, nutrient source, salinity, light, etc.) on the growth of taxonomically diverse algae.
- Leads the physiological characterization of strains within the DISCOVR pipeline - maximum specific growth rate as a function of temperature and salinity of TIER I DISCOVR strains using PNNL’s thermal and salinity gradient incubators
- Coordinates hand-off of strains between PNNL, LANL, SNL, and NREL
- Technical and biological support for the quantification of areal biomass productivities under climate-simulated laboratory cultivation LEAPS photobioreactors and field cultivation trials outdoor test ponds
Huesemann, M., A. Chavis, S. Edmundson, D. Rye and M. Wigmosta, “Climate-Simulated Pond Culturing: Quantifying the Maximum Achievable Annual Biomass Productivity Chlorella sorokiniana (DOE 1412) in the United States”, Journal of Applied Phycology, 30:287-298, 2018.
Edmundson S.J., M. Huesemann, R. Kruk, T. Lemmon, J. Billing, A. Schmidt, and D. Anderson, “Phosphorus and Nitrogen Recycle Following Algal Bio-crude Production via Continuous
Hydrothermal Liquefaction”, Algal Research, 26:415-421, 2017
Huesemann, M.H., P. Williams, S. Edmundson, P. Chen, R. Kruk, V. Cullinan, B. Crowe, and T. Lundquist, “Laboratory Environmental Algae Pond Simulator (LEAPS) Photobioreactors: Validation Using Outdoor Pond Cultures of Chlorella sorokiniana and Nannochloropsis salina”, Algal Research, 26:39-46, 2017.
Edmundson SJ, and MH Huesemann, "The Dark Side of Algae Cultivation: characterizing night biomass loss in three photosynthetic algae, Chlorella sorokiniana, Nannochloropsis salina and Picochlorum sp." Algal Research 12:470-476. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2015.10.012, 2015
Edmundson S.J. and A.C. Wilkie, Landfill leachate - a water and nutrient resource for algae-based biofuels. Environmental Technology, 34:13-14, 1849-1857, DOI 10.1080/09593330.2013.826256, 2013
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