Todd W. Lane

Todd Lane (Ph.D., Microbiology, University of California, Los Angeles) is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories (Livermore, CA) and has for 30 years conducted research in microbiology and the molecular biology and biochemistry of microalgae. Dr. Lane also conducts research in Applied Phycology focusing on algal crop protection, detection of biocontaminants in algal culture systems, nutrient utilization, and strain improvement. Dr. Lane’s recent research has focused on the characterization, detection and prevention of crashes in algal cultivation systems. This work includes the development of methods for pond-side detection of biocontaminants and the manipulation of pond ecology to inhibit grazers and prevent crashes.
Dr. Lane is presently the Co-investigator on a variety of DOE BioEnergy Technology Office (BETO) funded projects on crop protection and strain improvement in collaboration with industrial and academic partners. Dr. Lane is a Co-Investigator and Sandia Lead Investigator on the DISCOVR project.
- Serves as Co-Investigator and Sandia lead investigator.
- Determination of the relative grazer resistance of DISCOVR algal strains in laboratory scale culture.
- Determination of prioritized DISCOVR strains against selected grazer species at the 1000L pilot pond level.
- Evaluation of strategies and technologies for enhancing crop protection for outdoor mass cultures for further testing at outdoor testbed
- Testing and evaluation of technologies for biocontaminant detection and crop protection.
Poorey K., Fisher, C.L., Carney, L.T., Curtis, D.J., Lane, P.D., Solberg, O.D., Crowe, B.J., Van Wagenen, J., Huesemann, M.H., and Lane, T.W. 2018. Microbial community succession in long term open algae cultivation systems of Microchloropsis salina and Chorella: evidence for a core microbiome. Submitted for publication
Fisher,C.L., Ward, C.S., Lane, P.D., Kimbrel, J.A., Stuart,R.K., Mayali, X., Lane,T.W. 2018. Bacterial communities protect the alga Microchloropsis salina from grazing by the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Submitted for publication
Newby, D., Mathews, T., Pate R., Husemann, M., Lane T.W., Whalen B., Mandal, S., Engler, R., Feris, K., and Shurin J. 2016. Assessing the Potential of Polyculture to Accelerate Algal Biofuel Production. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioprodiucs, 19:264-277
Geng, H., Tran-Gyamfi, M.B., Lane, T.W., Sale, K., and Yu, E.T. 2016. Changes in the structure of the microbial community associated with Nannochloropsis salina following treatments with antibiotics and bioactive compounds. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:1155
Carney, L.T., Wilkenfield, J.S., Lane, P.D., Solberg, O.D., Fuqua, Z.B., Cornelius, N.G., Gillespie, S., Williams, K.P., Samocha, T., and Lane, T.W. 2016. Pond Crash Forensics: Presumptive identification of pond crash agents by next generation sequencing in replicate raceway mass cultures of Nannochloropsis salina. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioprodiucs 17:341-347
Geng, H., Sale, K.L., Tran-Gyamfi, M.B., Lane, T.W. and Yu, E. 2016. Longitudinal analysis of microbiota in microalga Nannochloropsis salina cultures. Microbial Ecology 72:14-24
CarneyL.T., McBride R.C., Smith, V., and Lane, T.W. 2016. Molecular diagnostic solutions in algal ponds. In Micro-Algal Production for Biomass and High-Value Products (ed. S.P. Slocombe and J.R. Benemann) CRC Press (Taylor and Francis LLC) Boca Raton FL Page 183-204
McBride, R.C., Smith,V., Carney,L.T., and Lane, T.W. 2016. Crop protection in open ponds. In Micro-Algal Production for Biomass and High-Value Products (ed. S.P. Slocombe and J.R. Benemann) CRC Press (Taylor and Francis LLC) Boca Raton FL Page 165-182
Carney, L.T., and Lane T.W. 2014. Parasites in Algal Mass Culture. Front. Microbiol. 5:278.
Carney, L.T., Reinsch, S.S., Lane,P. D., Solberg, O.D., Jansen, L.S., Williams, K.P., Trent, J. D., and Lane, T.W. 2014. Microbiome Analysis of a Microalgal Mass Culture Growing in Municipal Wastewater in a Prototype OMEGA Photobioreactor. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts 4:52-61