Thomas Reichardt

Thomas Reichardt has more than 25 years’ experience in the development and assessment of optical measurement and detection methods involving modeling/simulation, laboratory studies, and field deployments for energy, environmental, security, and defense applications. His prior work has contributed to advancements in picosecond-pulse fluorescence, nonlinear wave mixing, active infrared gas imaging/mapping, laser-photofragmentation-based diagnostics, and both in-situ and standoff detection of bioaersols.
More recently, he has applied radiative transfer solutions to both the passive and active infrared detection of surface-bound chemical deposits. He is the principal inventor of Sandia’s hyperspectral reflectance monitoring approach to assess algal biomass and growth state, with his efforts now directed toward extending the approach to early warning detection of pond pests. His other current research efforts are focused on the collection and multiway analysis of electromagnetic emanations from industrial facilities.
- Extension of spectroradiometric monitoring to the early warning detection of pond pests with subsequent 24/7 continuous assessment of cultures in SNL/CA’s Algae Raceway Testbed.
- Reichardt, T., A. Collins, R. McBride, C. Behnke, and J. Timlin, “Spectroradiometric Monitoring for Open Outdoor Culturing of Algae and Cyanobacteria”, Applied Optics, 53:F31-F45, 2014.
- Reichardt, T., A. Collins, O. Garcia, A. Ruffing, H. Jones, and J. Timlin, “Spectroradiometric Monitoring of Nannochloropsis salina Growth”, Algal Research, 1:22-31, 2012.